Prof. Dr. Helena Vilaça

Professor of Sociology
Faculty of Arts
- Sociology of Religion
- Introduction to Sociology
- in-depth Sociological Theory
- Sociology of the City
- Sociology of the Territory and Environment
- Organizations for Cooperation and Development
University of Porto
Faculty of Arts and Humanities (FLUP)
Via Panorâmica Edgar Cardoso, s/n
4150-564 Porto
Phone: + 351 226077100
Professional Background
Since 2017 |
Member of the Executive Committee of the Sociology Department |
2017 |
Researcher USA with a scholarship from the State Department, under the Fulbright Program “Religious Pluralism” |
Since 2014 |
Member of the Scientific Committee of the PhD in Sociology |
Since 2014 |
Coordinator of the research group “Social Recompositions and Territory” at the Institute of Sociology of the University of Porto (IS-UP) |
Since 2013 |
National coordinator of the EUREL project and network (Sociological and Legal Data on Religions in Europe and Beyond) |
Since 2013 |
Member of the Council of the International Society for the Sociology of Religion, as a representative of the Iberian Peninsula |
2011 |
Visiting Professor at the University of Uppsala (Sweden) |
2008 – 2010 |
Post-Doctorate in Sociology at the Faculty of Arts of the University of Porto and at University of Padova, funded by the National Foundation for the Science and the Technology |
2003 |
Doctorate in Sociology at the Faculty of Arts of the University of Porto (FLUP) |
1989 – 1993 |
Founding member and member of Executive Board of the Institute of Sociology of the University of Porto |
1987 |
Intern Assistant Teacher at the Faculty of Arts of the University of Porto (FLUP) |
1985 |
Degree in Sociology from the Faculty of Social and Human Sciences - Universidade Nova de Lisboa |