Guest Scholars
The EIMAS invites guest scholars to teach courses or give seminars for one (1) or two (2) weeks at one of the three consortium universitites:
- University of Porto, September – January (1st semester)
- University of Bayreuth, April – July (2nd semester)
- Bordeaux Montaigne University, September – December (3rd semester)
Guest scholars are free to suggest a topic but it should be related to the EIMAS curriculum.
They are expected to contribute to the EIMAS by
- actively participating in the EIMAS programme during their entire stay,
- bringing added value to the EIMAS programme (through the teaching of specific courses, leading and participating in seminars or workshops, monitoring and tutoring the students' research / project activities),
- contributing to the promotion and dissemination of the EIMAS programme.
The allowance for guest scholars is € 1,500 per week, including travel and accommodation costs.
A “week” is defined as minimum four (4) out of seven (7) consecutive calendar days.
It is not possible to consider eight (8) consecutive days as two (2) weeks.
A guest scholar paid by other EU funding schemes (including other Erasmus+ actions) cannot be considered eligible.
In order to receive their full payment, visiting scholars must submit a detailed activity report after the end of their stay.
How to Apply
If you are interested, please send your application (in PDF) to
Your application should include:
Guest scholars need to have a very good command of English.
- University of Porto: 31 July 2023
- University of Bayreuth: 28 February 2024
- Bordeaux Montaigne University: 31 July 2024